Dear Pastor and congregation;
I, Pastor Fred Rodda, of Living Water Church in Billings, Montana, am blessed to
serve such an Awesome God! We here at Living Water Church have been able to
share The Gospel with 65 people who have come to a saving knowledge of Jesus
Christ this year to date. Our impossible goal was to reach and share Christ with 52
people, being 1 per week of the year. It has taken two- and one-half years to
reach 65 in the past. Our God can do above and beyond what we ask Him for. This
year is not finished yet and we look forward to the many new lives in Christ that
God has yet to bring. So therefore, with praises of what God has done so far
comes little bumps in the road that are to stretch our faith and trust in what our
God can do. The following is a Prayer request that I shared with our Church body
on Sunday Sept 17 th , 2023. I ask you to pray along side of us, to see what a mighty
God can do when we ask and believe?
God is giving us an opportunity to TRUST HIM! We are to be in a new location by
November 30th. Pray that someone comes forward with a New location on the
Southside of Billings for US. Pray specifically that God prompts someone to come
forward and say, “God told me to offer this place for Living Water Church.”
Ask God to move in the hearts of Man. Let His will be done, Amen!